Is Dan MCStay relevant in fantasy football for 2023?
Is Tim Taranto fantasy footy relevant as a Tiger?
Is Bobby Hill fantasy relevant as a Magpie?
Is Karl Amon fantasy relevant as a Hawk?
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After having my best season across all formats where I (MiniMonk) ended up in 2nd in Real Dream Team, 39th in AFL Fantasy, and 245th in Supercoach, I wanted to share some lessons I’ve learnt through the season. Fantasy can be a cruel game sometimes, but I love playing it with the competitive nature of it and the sense of community that exists arounds it. I hope that some of these points will be useful to you for next season or in any other fantasy sports you may play in the future.
There are so many variables that go into making a successful fantasy football season. A good starting squad certainly contributes, but at the end of the day, ‘success’ comes from making the right trades at the right time. So retrospectively, MJ looks back at the 2022 season and the moves that could have made the difference this season.
Before rounds 6, 12 and 18, the gang at Champion Data add some new DPP into the game. After round 18 concludes on Sunday, the first list of names and positions will be released. Historically, players need a minimum of 35% to be considered for a new allocation in a new position. So, we have in-season DPP additions for the first time in SuperCoach & DreamTeam history. For AFLFantasy coaches, you are an old hand at these. So let’s see which players are locks, close or no chance of getting DPP.
After rounds 3, 6, 12 & 15, the drafting format of Ultimate Footy awards additional player positions to players that have had a role change in the season. As always, players are required to have played a minimum of 3 games to be eligible and to be playing the new position as their primary role in the side. So, for the final time this season, let’s look at who they are and their relevance to your draft sides and leagues.
After a dominant first up performance as a solo ruck, many are looking at Luke Jackson as a trade target this week? But is it too late to get him?