Tag: Luke McDonald

Possible DPP’s | Round 6

Before rounds 6, 12 and 18, the gang at Champion Data add some new DPP into the game. After round 5 concludes on Monday, the first list of names and positions will be released. Historically, players need a minimum of 35% to be considered for a new allocation in a new position. So, we have in-season DPP additions for the first time in SuperCoach & DreamTeam history. For AFLFantasy coaches, you are an old hand at these. So let’s see which players are locks, close or no chance of getting DPP.

UltimateFooty | Additional Positions for 2022 Revealed

Every year, UltimateFooty reveals an additional group of Dual Position players, which extends the changes handed down by champion data. Let’s take a look through the seventeen additional players and their relevance to your UltimateFooty Drafts.

Possible DPP Additions for UltimateFooty in 2022

Mid-January, UltimateFooty always adds some additional dual positions players into the draft game on top of those already allocated for SuperCoach, AFLFantasy & DreamTeam. We’ll officially announce the positions UltimateFooty will add to the game in the coming days. But, for now, here are some of the players I’d love to see gain DPP.

#48 Most Relevant | Luke McDonald

Last season Luke McDonald was one of the most damaging scoring defenders in the back half of the year. Was it a sign of things to come? Or just an outlier?

What To Do With James Sicily?

Let’s take a look at some of the best potential trade targets in SuperCoach, AFLFantasy & DreamTeam for James Sicily.

AFL Fantasy Hidden Gems | Round 12

Are you looking for a low ownership AFLFantasy player that’s on fire? Lewy and Checkers from Lane Kicking have selected six hidden gems that might help your side.