Tag: Defender

#22 Most Relevant | James Sicily

Before succumbing to a season-ending ACL, James Sicily was on track for delivering coaches a third consecutive premium season. After a tasty discount, is Sicily the prime value pick in your starting squad?

#26 Most Relevant | Jordan Ridley

In the past two seasons, Jordan Ridley has emerged as one of the best defensive premiums available. Now, there’s a world where he could improve his scoring even more.

#33 Most Relevant | Brayden Maynard

Under a new coaching regime, plenty can change for a team. And for years of attempting to push into the midfield, Brayden Maynard looks like Craig McRae may grant his wish.

#38 Most Relevant | Dyson Heppell

Last year Dyson Heppell flew under the radar with his consistent scoring. With him picking up defender status, he looks to be one of the most dependable premiums backs for the season.

#39 Most Relevant | Jayden Short

With Bachar Houli departing the club, many fantasy football coaches expect Jayden Short to take the next step as a premium defender. But will he be able to push his average over 100 in 2021?

#41 Most Relevant | Jordan Dawson

It’s been a long time since the Adelaide Football Club has had excitement around the club with a significant new addition. Finally, Jordan Dawson brings his booming right foot home to South Australia, and fantasy football coaches are hoping the way he ended last season is a sign of things to come.

#43 Most Relevant | Aaron Hall

Nobody predicted it, but in 2021 Aaron Hall became a season-defining player. If you had him, you had success. Without him, you struggled. Now he enters a new season with a hefty price tag, and the question is can he go big again in 2022?

#44 Most Relevant | Daniel Rich

Over the past two seasons, Daniel Rich has been one of the most undervalued and consistent defensive premiums. It’s time to shine a light on potentially one of the best low ownership premiums of 2022.

#45 Most Relevant | George Hewett

The Blues have strived to get the midfield group string enough to compete for finals for multiple seasons. However, with the addition of George Hewett, he may add the missing ingredient to send the Navy Blue back into September action.

#48 Most Relevant | Wayne Milera

Injuries have robbed football fans of seeing Wayne Milera at full flight. So is 2022 the year it all turns around? Fantasy football players are hoping so.